Concerning "Crimean gifts" of Putin

14 января 2018 г., 11:50:05   1533   0
While Ukraine is discussing Putin`s proposal to return the equipment and armament of the AFU, including armored vehicles and warships of our Navy, I would draw attention to another point.Putin slipped up that the proposal does not apply to the AFU ammunition which remained in the Crimea ("this arsenal is not transportable"). It seems that the proposal does not apply to infantry weapons. And it`s easy to explain.In 2014, the IR group`s network recorded the appearance of individual units of armored vehicles at the disposal of militants on the Donbas previously captured by the Russians in the Crimea. The flow of ammunition and small arms from the Crimea were supplied to the Donbas. At that time, the Russians were still "embarrassed" to supply the terrorists of the LDNR by weapons from the RF Armed Forces warehouses, and the arsenals seized in the Crimea were very useful because these weapons and ammunition were as part of the AFU (all under the thesis of Russian propaganda: "militiamen seized weapons and ammunition from the Ukrainian army ").It is worth remembering how in May 2014 in the Berdyansk district of the Zaporozhye region, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained a cargo of small arms and explosives intended for the terrorists of the DNR (in the screenshots - the photo of of this cargo of weapons from the archives of the IR group). Dozens of boxes with small arms, machine guns, grenade launchers, grenades, cartridges were delivered by sea from the occupied Sevastopol. At that time, the SBU established that these weapons, formerly belonging to the AFU, were intended to be used by the militants during the planned terrorist acts, including the seizure of the seaport and administrative buildings in Berdyansk and Nikolayev, and the organizers of the arms deliveries were FSB officers and the former head of the SBU A . Yakimenko.Besides, we can only guess how many of these weapons and ammunition from the Crimea Putin sent to "friends" from ISIS.It seems that Ukraine needs to initiate an international investigation about the supplies of arms, seized by the Russians in the Crime, to the terrorists in Ukraine and far beyond its borders.Dmitry Tymchuk, coordinator of the group "Informaton Resistance"
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